The Central Highlands and South East Offices include Gia Lai, Dak Lak, and Binh Phuoc project offices. Focused activities on implementing activities related to malaria control among hard-to-reach populations in the area, contributing to the goal of eliminating malaria in Vietnam by 2030.
Simultaneously, the Central Highlands and Southeast Offices implement proactive screening activities and strengthen the community system to end TB.
“I hope to make people aware of malaria so that they are able to access health care services when they have symptoms”
Hiao Khanh - Member of Community Malaria Action Team CMAT
Hiao Khanh - Member of Community Malaria Action Team CMAT
People at high risk received malaria prevention services in 2023
People suspected with malaria syndromes were referred to parasitological testing in 2023

Intervention are being implemented in 6 provinces
Focused sites
Implementing sites
Regional Office's Activities
Central Highlands and Southeast Region Manager
Trần Tấn Vinh
Gia Lai project office: No.90 Quyet Tien Str., Pleiku City, Gia Lai provinc
Tel: +84 (0)26 2369 1111