Health & Social Protection, Our Activities
SCDI Activity News in May, 2023
SCDI Activity News in May, 2023

SCDI introduce to readers the comprehensive outstanding activities of Health and Security program in May, 2023


Training on Tuberculosis and Community-Rights-Gender in Accessing Treatment and Preventive Services for the CMAT Community in the Central Highlands 

 On May 19-20, SCDI organized a Knowledge Training on Tuberculosis and Community-Rights-Gender in Accessing Tuberculosis Treatment and Prevention Services, with the participation of 30 core members of the Community Malaria Action Team (CMAT) in the Central Highlands region. The training provided an overview of tuberculosis and latent tuberculosis, as well as how to build and implement community-centered approaches in combating the disease. Based on the existing barriers to accessing treatment and prevention services, the question arose: What can CMAT do to contribute proactively to the detection of tuberculosis and latent tuberculosis as a community network? 

CMAT is a community initiative aimed at eliminating malaria among forest dwellers, mobile populations, and those at high risk of contracting the disease. However, CMAT's activities are not limited to malaria prevention alone. They also actively engage in tuberculosis prevention and treatment, a disease that has long been present and remains a significant threat, no less than malaria. Vietnam is among the 30 countries with the highest burden of tuberculosis and drug-resistant tuberculosis in the world, with 169,000 cases and 12,000 deaths reported in 2021 (according to WHO's report). 

The Knowledge Training on Tuberculosis is part of a project aimed at enhancing the capacity of networks and community organizations affected by tuberculosis to promote a rights-based, gender-sensitive, and community-driven approach to tuberculosis response in Vietnam, supported by the Stop TB Partnership. 

Photo: CMAT on the training discussion