SCDI at the 4th National Conference on substance use disorders and HIV
SCDI at the 4th National Conference on substance use disorders and HIV

On August 5th, 2017, Dr. Nguyen Hoai Huong - Deputy Director of the Center for Supporting Community Development Initiatives (SCDI) participated in The 4th National Conference on Substance Use Disorders and HIV at the University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Ho Chi Minh city, in coordination with UCLA, SAMHSA, PEPFAR and Hanoi Medical University.
This program took part of an Integrated Substance Abuse Treatment Program, in partnership with the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), funded by PEPFAR and approved by SAMHSA, in order to train and deliver substance abuse treatment technology to Vietnam. Following the success of the conference in 2012, 2014, 2016 in Hanoi, this is the first Conference in Ho Chi Minh City, with the aims to update knowledge on drug addiction effectively based on scientific evidence, new treatment models and new connection in the field of science of addiction in Vietnam, with the theme of "Perfecting Drug-Use Disorder and HIV Treatment Model ".



Dr. Nguyen Hoai Huong speaking at the meeting. Source: VHATTC

The meeting welcomed delegates from the Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Public Security, Government Office, experts from universities and local, international  non-governmental organizations from all over the country, CBOs and self-help groups, and many donors in the field of substance abuse and HIV.

Dr. Nguyen Hoai Huong chaired a session with a presentation on the role of CBOs in supporting effective addiction treatment. Mrs. Do Thuy An My, leader of Hoa Cat Tuong - a self-help group to help sex workers, co-chaired the session, presented and answered questions from guests.


Ms. Do Thuy An My speaking at the meeting. Source: VHATTC

The presence of CBOs and NGOs is extremely significant in supporting drug harm reduction and HIV prevention. Vietnam HIV Addiction Technology Transfer Center, Hanoi Medical University appreciated SCDI's efforts in supporting the writing competition on the journey of reducing/stopping drug dependence. The contest provided an insider's perspective on policy development and drug user support programs in Vietnam.


Collective photo of delegates attending the conference. Source: VHATTC

The 4th National Conference on Substance Use Disorders and HIV ended successfully with the enthusiastic participation of speakers, guests and delegates.

Video information about the conference in the following link (in Vietnamese): http://quochoitv.vn/Videos/kinh-te-xa-hoi/2017/8/tp-ho-chi-minhhoi-nghi-quoc-gia-ve- Roi-loan-su-dung-chat-va-hiv / 162536

Vân Anh