Children &Youth
Summer camp 2015 – Open letter
Summer camp 2015 – Open letter

On behalf of the Center for Supporting Community Development Initiatives (SCDI), we would like to send you our warmest greeting and appreciation for your interest in Summer Camp “Dream Journey” 2015. We are very pleased to once again organize the Summer Camp this year as an effort to help vulnerable children, especially children of marginalized population.

The Summer Camp “Dream Journey” is an annual activity that aims to give marginalized children a chance to interact, make friends and participate in learning recreational activities with other children. In 2013 and 2014, Summer camp “Dream Journey” was successfully launched in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh city and since then, it has not only become a treasured memory to the children and parents alike, but also inspired them to stay connected, sharing and caring. Besides, the camp also garnered public interest to “invisible” children - those who have been left out by the network of social welfare programs.

Based on the foundation of these successes, this year SCDI and the Chong Chong Cooperation continue to organize Summer camp “Dream Journey” 2015. The camp will be designed to equip children with essential life skills and knowledge to cope with challenges in their life through learning games. With professionalism, youthfulness and meaningful values, we fervently hope Summer camp “Dream Journey” will be a joyous and meaningful playground for marginalized children, and its resonance will bring organizations, community and policy makers together to create a more enabling, protective environment for these children.

The organizing committee for Summer camp “Dream Journey” 2015 warmly welcome your participation in this meaningful event for the benefits of disadvantaged children and society as a whole. 

In Hanoi:
- Lê Thị Thanh Hà (hale@scdi.org.vn, SĐT: 0904060676)
- Trần Hồng Nhung (nhungtran@scdi.org.vn; SĐT:043 5720689/124 )

In Ho Chi Minh city:
- Lâm Ngọc Thúy (thuylam@scdi.org.vn; SĐT:0906987424)
- Nguyễn Đạt (datrino54@gmail.com; SĐT: 0948355155)